
PokérapLyrics:Okayguys,wegottarapsomePokémon/Youjustdothesinging,I'lltakecareofthehardpart/Let'sgetiton/Iwanttobethebest ...,2023年4月24日—TheUltimatePokemonRapUp(feat.Mat4yo,BreetonBoi,HamSandwich,MixWilliams,PE$OPETE,DeltaDeez,McGwire,ConnorQuest!&JasonPaige) ...,Pokémon:PokéRap:WithLouisCortelezzi,KenCummings,BabiFloyd,JohnLoeffler.APokemonrapmusicvideowithall150Pokemon.


Pokérap Lyrics: Okay guys, we gotta rap some Pokémon / You just do the singing, I'll take care of the hard part / Let's get it on / I want to be the best ...

‎The Ultimate Pokemon Rap Up (feat. Mat4yo, Breeton Boi ...

2023年4月24日 — The Ultimate Pokemon Rap Up (feat. Mat4yo, Breeton Boi, Ham Sandwich, Mix Williams, PE$O PETE, Delta Deez, McGwire, Connor Quest! & Jason Paige) ...


Pokémon: PokéRap: With Louis Cortelezzi, Ken Cummings, Babi Floyd, John Loeffler. A Pokemon rap music video with all 150 Pokemon.